Coronavirus & California Courts
We have a cascade of coronavirus updates. Given our firm’s presence in litigating both probate and civil cases in California’s courts, we have an active interest in staying up to date how our judicial system is treating the coronavirus pandemic.
We collectively meet every Friday for a status review of cases and their scheduling requirements. Part of this review is an update of any changed court procedures. We can start with the highest court in the land.
The U.S. Supreme Court announced Thursday, March 12, that it “will be closed to the public until further notice amid the coronavirus pandemic.” As of today, March 13, Sacramento, San Francisco and San Diego Courts are approaching the pandemic in different ways.
The Sacramento County Superior Court announced: “At this time, there are no changes to normal court operations within the Court.” The San Francisco County Superior Court published that “If you are summoned for jury service this week and are experiencing any acute respiratory illness or flu-like symptoms, please call the Juror Hotline (for instructions) …” The San Diego County Superior Court is quite proactive and declared on March 12 that “The San Diego County Superior Court system will be postponing all civil jury trials for the next 30 days in order to meet state health guidelines regarding large crowds in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.” The San Diego approach is likely to be utilized in other county jurisdictions.
We are all affected by the pandemic in similar ways. We need to be vigilant in how it affects our different walks of life. And, to help each other. We are in this together. In the words that Winston Churchill reiterated through his long years of service to his country and to freedom: “Let us then go forward together with courage and composure.”