Deputy Mark Stasyuk | We’ll Never Meet
We take our safety for granted – at home, at leisure and in the workplace. We shouldn’t.
There are men and women sworn to protect us – everyday they go to work knowing that they are at risk – and knowing better than others of the sacrifices that their own brothers and sisters in law enforcement make each day.
Yesterday our community lost one of its sworn protectors – a young man, recently married, strong in spirit and unwavering in commitment. Deputy Mark Stasyuk, just 27, serving the people of Sacramento in its Rancho Cordova community was struck down by a killer’s bullet.
Our governor has ordered our Capitol flags to fly at half-staff in the Deputy’s honor. It seems normal that we go about our everyday lives without conscious gratitude for those who protect us.
At this time of tragedy, it is right to mix gratitude with sorrow for Deputy Stasyuk, who made the ultimate sacrifice for us.
Thank you, Deputy Stasyuk – we honor you, we honor your family, and may God be with you and present in comfort and strength for those who mourn. We know that these words are not enough – they never can be – they are completely inadequate – but they are what we can give in this day of mourning.