How Coronavirus Impacts Our Bodies | Video Animation
Over 200 million Americans are staying home – sheltering in place. Covid-19, the culprit behind our need to take cover, is capturing the world’s headlines.
And, we Americans, overwhelmed by minute-by-minute breaking news, want our questions answered. Headlines are not enough.
And, the first question is how does the Coronavirus impact our bodies. The answer to the question is better shown, than told.
So, thanks to the generosity of High Impact, a leading team of animators, forensic experts and physicians, this most important question is answered. High Impact is nationally known for assisting firms like Hackard Law in telling stories in ways that mere words cannot describe.
The leaders of High Impact freely share this video with all of us to demonstrate how Coronavirus impacts the body:
Thank you for watching this video animation. Hackard Law is operational in this national emergency. We’ll take your calls, respond to your emails and accept your documents by fax or email.
This is a critical time for all of us to have an estate plan in place. We can help – call us at: 916-313-3030. If we don’t pick up because of off hours or other calls, leave a message. You can also email me at ha*****@ha********.com. Let’s hope we all stay healthy.