September 13th, 2019
Trust Litigation

LA House Beneficiaries | Trust Litigation

The median value for a house in California is currently $548,000. When it comes to median home values for Los Angeles, the figures keep climbing. Let’s look at LA and some specific neighborhoods where we’ve protected trust beneficiary rights in litigation battles focused on the family home.

If we start off in Los Angeles proper, homes there go for an average of $618,000. A house in Pacific Palisades goes for just over $3 million. In Santa Monica it’s north of $1.62 million. Over in Beverly Hills, the median is $3.46 million. And in Thousand Oaks, it’s a level $730,000.

In all the areas I’ve just mentioned, we’ve litigated and resolved trust disputes over houses in the best interests of a beneficiary who’s been disinherited and must seek recovery. These conflicts aren’t always easy – wrongdoers usually don’t surrender prized real estate without a fight. That said, rightful beneficiaries shouldn’t give up in the face of elder financial abuse or undue influence, especially when there’s a way forward to favorable resolution.

Hackard Law regularly represents clients throughout California in estate, trust and elder financial abuse cases, including in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Diego. We take on significant cases where we think that we can make a substantial difference and there is a wrongdoer who can be made financially accountable for their wrongdoing or breach of duty.

If you’re facing a trust dispute over a house in Los Angeles, you can call us at Hackard Law: 213-357-5200. We want to see how we can help you.