April 14th, 2020
Elder Financial Abuse, Estate Litigation, Trust Litigation

Placer County Senior Exploitation | Homes and Estates & Trusts

Placer County is stunning – graced with a breathtaking national forest, picturesque parks and Lake Tahoe, one of the most beautiful natural wonders of the world. The county has a rich and storied past – and, a vibrant present. It is a great draw for people of all ages.

It’s population is over 400,000 people. About 20% of its residents are 65 years and older. It is this age group – seniors – who are sometimes targeted for elder financial abuse – financial exploitation by a wrongdoer who uses or takes the assets of a vulnerable elder adult for his or her own financial benefit. These takings can occur by outright theft, fraud, or even changes in estate plans.

One of the most tragic financial takings is that of the family home – and Placer County has a lot of homes – nearly 110,000 that are owner occupied. The median value of this housing stock is a little over $450,000. These homes get targeted. Sometimes the wrongdoer is a caregiver, a stranger, or even a family member.

I’ve written a book about how elders and their families suffer from financial exploitation. It is titled The Wolf at the Door: Undue Influence and Elder Financial Abuse.

We’re happy to send you a book if you email us at ha*****@ha********.com. The book is based on my own experiences in representing senior and their families as well as other events that have happened throughout our country.

We represent clients throughout California in significant cases where we think that we can make a substantial difference and there is a wrongdoer who can be made financially accountable for their wrongdoing.


Placer County is in our neighborhood – not far at all from our Sacramento based offices. If you believe that an elder’s home or other assets have been wrongfully taken and you want to see what remedies may be available to you, call us a Hackard Law: 916-313-3030.