Who Takes the Lead in Abused Trust Beneficiary Disputes?
The outlook is dreadful. You can see what’s happening. You know that there is an aftermath to your parent’s isolation from family members.
Now, with your parent’s passing, the successor trustee of your parent’s trust is silent. You receive no call backs. Your emails are unanswered. A sibling or caregiver is now in charge – in charge of a trust that only benefits her.
You and your siblings have been cut out. Even in the dark, you now know where you are. You know what you’re going to do. You also know what you’re not going to do – you’re not going to sit back.
You’ve never been through this before. You’re seeking counsel.
I’ve been counsel to many who have suffered similar impacts. My book shares stories about the methods and tactics of elder financial abusers. The Wolf at the Door: Undue Influence and Elder Financial Abuse was written to help people know what they are facing.
I’ve taken the lead for many to take on elder financial and trust beneficiary abusers. It is a probate and/or a civil court process. Criminal court processes are appropriately left to law enforcement and district attorneys.
We seek out professionals to help us in challenges that require licensing, education or experience. We see a dentist for our teeth, a physician for our health, and a lawyer for asserting and protecting our rights.
If you would like to speak with us about a case of parent isolation followed by a trust or estate taking, call us at Hackard Law – 916 313-3030.
Our work is geographically set in Los Angeles, the Bay Area and Sacramento. We currently have cases pending in more than a dozen of our state’s Superior Courts. We focus our work on significant cases where we think that we can make a substantial difference and there is a wrongdoer who can be made financially accountable for their wrongdoing.